Corn Flakes Processing Line

  • Corn Flakes Processing Line

Short Description:

Corn flakes processing line processes corn flour into corn flakes. The corn flakes are very crispy after the sections of extruding, granulating, flaking, frying and seasoning.

Product Detail

Production Case

Corn flakes processing line

Corn flakes processing line

Corn flakes processing line processes corn flour into corn flakes. The corn flakes are very crispy after the sections of extruding, granulating, flaking, frying and seasoning. The outstanding characteristic of flakes is abundant compound carbohydrate and dietary fiber content. We can also add some trace elements and minerals. It is very popular because of high nutritional value, delicious taste and convenience.


Corn flakes processing line contains the following machines

Corn flakes processing line contains the following machines:


Technical parameters of corn flakes processing line:

 SLG70 Corn Flakes Processing Line
 SLG85 Corn Flakes Processing line
 Installed Capacity
      45× 3× 4m
 48.5× 5× 4m


  • Previous:Corn Germ Extraction Line (Dry Method)
  • Next:High Fructose Corn Syrup Production Line

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